miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

¿Do you want a IDE for C y C++ on Linux?

Anjuta DevStudio is the correct solution.

I have a little time working with Anjuta DevStudio but it's necessary to fall in love, je. Other thing that make to this IDE very interesting is the easy way that give us to work with graphical interface so we can include a tool like Glade to development user interfaces for GTK+ toolkit.

Anjuta is licensed under the GNU GPL to the same form that Glade.

And other thing very important is that we can found a lot of information about. Here, I give you two links to pages where you will can read during very much time of Anjuta and Glade.


/* Is the first time that I write in this language so I'm sorry if I have some mistakes, I'll be to make better */